Sunday, March 28, 2010

Food for Thought

International Thinking at its Best

Question: What is the truest definition of Globalization?
Answer: Princess Diana's death.
Answer: An englidh princess
with an Eqyptian boyfreind
crashes in a French tunnel,
driving a German car
with a Dutch engine,
driven by a Belgian who was drunk
on Scottish whiskey,
followed closely by Italian Paparazzi,
on Japanese motorcycles;
treated by an American doctor
using Brizilian machines.
This is sent to you by an American,
using Bill Gates's technology
and you're probably reading this on your computer,
that uses Taiwanese chips,
and a Korean monitor,
assembled by Bangladeshi workers
in a Singapore plant,
transported by Indian lorry-drivers
hijacked by Indonesians,
unloaded by Sicilian longshoremen,
and trucked to you by Mexican illegals...
That, my freind, is Globalization

By: Angie

Now how true is that!!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Oh Dear Virus How I Love YOU!!!!

So march, one of the most, if not the most, busiest months of the winter semester and just my luck I catch a virus. I can feel it in my heart this computer virus, it really knows where to hit it so it hurts!!! I mean the pesty viruses that cause multiple pop-ups to infest your screen is bearable to some extent. However, this was the King Pin. Eating up all my files, converting all my essays and assignments to rubbish, oh my gosh it just hurts to write about it. Talk about a serious set back!!! Yes, I do have something to talk about for my last blog :) but I'm sure I could have managed and come up with something else to write about if all my files and documents could have been speared in exchange. Though this hit home it made me think...our dependence on the computer and do we reply and put to much trust into this one machine?

For me my life is my computer! It is what I use to socialize, it is what I use to shop, it is what I use to find out whats going on locally and internationally, for me it is what I use to decide where I'm eating, for my it is what I use to do my assignments and complete my research, for me it is what I use for entertainment, watching TV or movies, for me it is what I use to organize and store my lifetime of photos, for me it is what I use to do everything!!! And just like that in a matter of seconds everything is GONE. I feel like my life is gone :( I have lost everything and there is no getting it back. It's almost as though my past, present and future has been erased.

I then ask myself, I know that this "thing" that I am entrusting my all in is only a machine and at anytime something could go wrong, as it did, so why am I so dependent on it? And more easily then not this can be answered. It has become the norm, it is what everyone is doing. If you simply aren't using it you are different, or behind. I feel almost as though I'd be missing out, I'd be losing out. Such an easy way to stay connected, to learn so many new things, a way to kill hours and hours (not necessarily a good thing when you need to write an essay) it really is the world at your finger tips. Giving all of that up would be impossible as heart breaking as this situation was, but now I know to back up all my files and do do random checks, because it could happen to you!

You know always read about viruses and people who have gotten a virus on their computer, talk to firends who have had this happen to them, but I honestly and true where one of those people who thought this could never happen to me LOL but low and behold it has happened. Its almost like the chicken pox you never know what it's really like until you get them and expereince it yourself. And hopefully it's only a one time occurance just like the chicken pox becuase I so don't think I could deal with this again :( Die virus die!!!

For ways on how to prevent getting a virus click here. And for ways on how to get rid of a virus once it has already sneaked on to your computer, click here

And lastly a blog which provided me with much useful information, if only I had read it a little while ago.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

If You Only Got Paid To View Ads...

To me it seems as though our "space" has been infested with advertising. Everywhere I am, everywhere I go I can count on one thing being present, some sort of ad or form of commericalization. We are swiming in advertisments. They are on buses, around the school, in washrooms, in the sky, in outer space, at any sporting event, out in the ocean and on and on and on. It is though there is no more "pure" space anywhere in this world.

For me it seems as though marketing and ad placements became this growing trend in a short period of time. Yes, advertising and marketing is not a new concept, however I feel it was not as common five to ten years ago as it is now. This may be due to the availibility to resources or the realization that it is a driving force for purchase, whether a product or service, but it is what it is and it has literally taken over!!!

Now of course there is good and bad that comes from advertising. But for me I find that the increased volume of advertising has had a negative impact on me. It may not be the number of ads from one specific company or brand, I feel it is more of a combination of the increased volume from all companies. It is just to much it just frustrates me. I mean you can'y even watch a 2 minute youtube video without an ad popping up. I feel becuase I see so many ads I am turned of by the product. Also regularly I almost feel cheated by these ads, and this can be looked at in two different ways. First, I feel cheated in the sense that this product being advertised is not necessary however the ad makes it feel as though it actually is. They know the need for this product is not there and so they create that idea, and for the most part it works. Secondly, I feel cheated in the sense that sometimes what is being advertised and the images used to lure you in are so unrealistic.

But of course ads are beneficial and helpful, they inform the general public of new or improved products, they give us information and/or details on available products or services and gives us choices. But is the exchange worth it? For me it isn't. I'd prefer to have some "free space" not infested with ads and when I'm interested in purchasing a product put in the effort myself to shop around and see whats out there. May be I'm just old fashion LOL but I'm honestly at the end of my leash with all these overwhelming ads.

How do you feel about ads?

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Airbrush The "Flaws" Away, Everyone Is Perfect

The controversy behind airbrushing photos. Is it right? Is it wrong? Is it right only sometimes and not other times? Who airbrushes and why? All very interesting questions and really there is no right or wrong answer I believe these questions can all be answered in many different ways of course depending on your opinion on this matter. However, for me I think airbrushing is justified in some situations and not others, it's OK sometimes and not so alright other times. There are three different situations that I'd like to touch upon and share my views about and see what others have to say.

1. airbrushing a photo in a mainstream news paper e.g. Toronto Star
2. airbrushing a photo for an advertisement
3. airbrushing a personal photo for facebook or something similar

For me airbrushing a photo in a mainstream paper is never justified. A credible source should never alter the truth, and a picture speaks a thousand words. By airbrushing photos I feel the news source is pretty much altering words. Airbrushing decreases credibility and trust because it is then simply not real, not the truth. It also would make me question if these news papers are changing pictures, even if it is small, what else could they be changing, what else is being fabricated? It is deceiving! If you are looking to be a reliable source it is important to not alter anything you put out. However, if it is something like lightening up the picture that I feel is OK because you are not "changing" the picture. But adding or removing someone from the picture, changing the background, etc. those things are not in any way, shape or form justified.

If you take a look at the picture below, the background (the American flags) was added to the photo. Though this is a simple change and some may feel no harm done I feel differently. To me this shows fake patriotism. It may give the person a better image then what was real. It is simply not the truth and its wrong.

Airbrushing in ads, another very controversal issue, especially for many feminist groups. This is pretty much a topic on its on, but I just wanted to say that airbrushing ads is not a new idea, its been around very long and I feel its the sole purpose to many young ladies feeling down and unsatisfied with themselves. Ads are consumed by everyone everwhere, they are what people real on to be the norm, yet they arent even real. Take the below picture for example

The before and after are nothing alike. There is no better word then FAKE to describe the after shot. I honestly feel again there is no justification here and those creating ads should be a little bit more responsible. What type of message does this send out? It makes me so mad to see these types of things. They are intentionally fooling the viewer and it shouldnt be allowed.

In the third situation, changing personal photos yourself or for your own purpose, I feel this is a little different. This is a personal choice. It is not intended to be in any dependable news outlet, its not supposed to be used as a consumption tool and it is not intended for the public it is personal. If for whatever reason you would like to alter your photos thats fine, yes you may be deciving people when they view it but you as a person do not have a responsibility to be truthful like ads from major brands or pictures in news papers.

Overall, I think that airbrushing photos has become very common with the access we have to technology and obviously the difference it makes. Before I used to appreciate pictures but now I am very skiptical, I feel like any published picture I see has been airbrushed in some way, and for me that makes the image lose its value. But this is just one more change that has come about in our information society and the obvious is there is no turning back. So I guess I just got to deal with it.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Toyota and Youtube

So, I was sure it is time for me to post once again, but I wasn't sure about what exactly to blog about. And as I kept thinking and thinking the new Toyota Sienna commercials popped into my head. And the one part that I remembered ever so clearly was at the end of the commercial they mention to check out YOUTUBE to follow the new Toyota family. I have one word that would probably sum up how I feel about this; BRILLIANT!!!

I just got to say, before I focus my attention on Toyota, that youtube has taken over! It has made so much progress it is unbelievable. It's current use compared to what youtube was actually created for and how it was used just a few years ago has grown uncontrollably. From being a fun, casual, informal site to a credible, professional and multipurpose tool it is just unfathomable. I remember using youtube to get a quick laugh or to watch music videos but now a multimillion dollar corporation, and many others like Toyota, are using the site for advertising purposes and I would have never seen this coming but think its genius.

Now, I am sure that many of you, who do still watch that box they call a television, have seen at least one of the new Toyota Sienna commercials with the new Toyota family. But do not fear if you do not watch t.v anymore you can still catch the same commercials if not even more on youtube.

Here are a few commercials that I found on youtube, take a look.
Daddy Like Space

Daddy Like Bonding Time

Mommy Like Rest

Mommy Like Versatility

Advertising has progressively become a very important part of a successful business. More and more companies have realized what good, strong advertising can do for a company and the amount of money devoted to advertising and marketing is on the incline. But what I feel is that Toyota understands the importance of advertising and market but they also know it is costly so they have found a unique and exuberant idea; commercials on youtube. Instead of airing all of their commercials on television where it becomes very expensive, they air just a couple and at the end of the commercial notify the viewers of an alternative place they can look for more commercials and information, it is just so smart, cost saving and reaches a wider audience.

A few benefits that I see from this for Toyota is that they for one are saving a lot of money, and it can either be used towards marketing in some other way or distributed to other departments, inspections maybe? Lol just kidding! This is also a good way for the community to get involved, they can post comments, add their own commercials or even remix Toyota's current commercials. Also, they can have longer commercials but not be burdened with the expensive of more air time. Another positive would be this is a unique and new channel of distribution and it is always beneficial to be the one to start a new trend, it is good for the company name.

Now I am sure many companies have been using youtube as a marketing or information tool, but I have never seen a commercial on television that actually outlines to the viewer to go to youtube where they can follow this new Toyota Sienna family. It just seems so interactive, I think its great!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Technology has become the driving force of our world. But has it gone to the next level? Has technology extended to a point much further then it needs to be? Are those with access to the new technologies taking advantage of it and over stepping the boundaries? This article in the New York Times discusses a school in Philadelphia part the Lower Merion School District who had given mac laptops to all of there high school students. This school in Philadelphia takes pride in their advancement in technology but do they take advantage of this technology too?

The article outlines how this school added an application to all mac's that were given to the students. This application allowed for the webcam on these laptops to be remotely activated at anytime. So what did the school say about why this application was added? Strictly to locate the laptop if it was ever lots. I think that's obscure. What ever happened to the great GPS? May be it's out dated? And my previous point; technology has extended much further then it needs to be. I feel this technology was introduced and created with no real need and simply a purpose for this new technology needed to be developed. A void needed to be filled.

Furthermore the reason for this article, of course misuse of the remote activation of the camera. I student filed a claim to the police department when a teacher approached him saying they had footage of him being involved in "bad activities". I have a few problems with this right off the bat.

1) misuse and abuse of a privilege
2) why when the student signed for these laptops were they not notified of this application on their laptops?
3) if the laptop was not lost why was the camera turned on?
4) it is none of the schools business what the student is doing on their own time off school property
5) Aren't their privacy laws that should be in effect
6) What has high school and technology come too!

How do you feel about this situation? Do you think technology has gone to far in some case like I believe? That things are being produced without any real purpose first?

Sunday, February 21, 2010


When you hear the word Paris do you think of the place Paris where love is in the air, where the Eiffel tower is located and of course the worlds fashion capital. Or do you think of a 29 year old, 5.8 foot blond ditsy girl that's always in the public eye. Well for the majority of the world when they hear Paris they think Paris Hilton. But how could this be an individual who seems to have such little sense and enjoys nothing but partying hard be more popular then a city? And I personally feel its the way that she has branded herself. Now you can either hate her or love her but in order to do one or the other you must know her, and that's what she has achieved, being known.

Many people feel that Paris Hilton is just a blond haired girl that comes from an extremely rich family and has everything handed to her. Her fame, glory and name has developed only because of the family she comes from and her stupidity because she is not capable of much. But on the other hand, this documentary by CBC's doczone portrays her as someone completely different, a mastermind and a developer. She is a great example of branding, consumerism, cross-promotion, merchandising and making the best out of any situation.
Paris' marketing tactics are actually very effective, different and successful. She has created an image and brand that is known worldwide, and essentially that is what every brand strives to do. You can hate her or love her, but you for sure know of her.
The most interesting part of this documentary for me was seeing her ability to turn every situation in to a positive one. The day she is released from jail, would for anyone by an embarrassing and degrading moment in your life with hundreds of people watching, camera's catching footage for every news station in the world and of course magazines and other critical sources. But what does Paris do? She puts on a pair of jeans from her new line and struts through the crowds like a model. It was genius!!! Free publicity for her jean line and may I add, I am no fan of hers but she does look amazing and you got to say that was a real smart move!

In my opinion for a person that is either hated or loved and no in between she has been able to make her name a brand and a multimillion dollar business. No stereotypes intended but this has to change your mind about the ditsy, bubbly, blond girls. I guess it's true you got to always look out for the "undercover" ones.

Monday, February 8, 2010


Obviously to many of us the Internet and specifically social networks like facebook, twitter, myspace, etc. seem to be the new, well not so new now, but BEST THING EVER. But are they really? We seem to think these social networks bring convenience, efficiency, easier interaction with those abroad and a way to meet new people. But what about privacy? Security? are these things being jeopardized as we continue to engage in the world wide web? Of course it is and for some more then you think it ever would or expect it would.

Watching a documentary titled Death Online available at really outlines how terrifying the Internet and its ability really is. The documentary is about a university student who because of personal issues went into depression and became suicidal. She turned to the Internet to find a virtual network of people who are dealing with the same issue. Eventual she found someone who was supporting and compassionate, so it seemed. Little did she know this person helped her plan her suicide with ease and pleasure.

This documentary disgusted me and instilled fear of what was out there in that virtual world. Most people think the Internet is a good thing, that social networks are a positive extension of ourselves, but after this it seems to be the opposite. An easier way for predators to track you, for stalkers to follow you and learn all about you, for basically anyone and everyone to virtually pursue you and worst case scenario have someone aid in planning your suicide.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Unreliability and Bias in Mainstream Media

A few weeks ago in another communication studies class of mine, we watch a documentary on Fox News. Growing up and even up until viewing this film I can honestly say I was naive and oblivious to how swayed and unjust some, actually most if not all, mainstream media outlets are. I was actually shocked when viewing this documentary. I know you hear lots from mainstream outlets bad talking other media outlets but I felt it had to do more with competition and making your competitor look bad in order to increase your stations viewers. However, after watching this film, Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism, I understand that it has to do more with pushing a political agenda and specific ideas and thoughts of the hierarchy of the organization. It has to do with swaying the public sphere and making decisions and choices on the public's behalf to match their own or the networks own beliefs and ideas.

There are a few things that I wanted to talk about that really caught my attention when watching the documentary:

FAIR and BALANCED... Are you joking me? This news outlet is probably the most unfair and unbalances of all news outlets. Those who cover the events and actually go out to dot he field work are told what to focus on and how to portray the channel by a memo that is received every morning from the top. In my opinion this is not balanced work, especially when you are told what specifically to cover, from which perspective to write it, and of course write with a hidden bias.

There is then this "some people say..." statement. How pathetic is that? The broadcasters share their own opinion as "some people say..." to make it seem credible. I find this to be really undermining and unfair. A news outlet is meant to be factual, truthful and accurate. And by tricking your viewers by passing your opinion as "some people say..." is so the opposite. FOX definitely should NOT be considered a credible, fair and balanced news outlet.

It also bothers me how FOX uses images and marketing and graphics (American flag) to trick the viewers. They market themselves and portray themselves as a patriotic news station; who are looking out for the public, providing them with FAIR and BALANCED news. To those uneducated about what FOX is really about they may be convinced that FOX is on their side just trying to inform the public. However, as communications student and being educated about the political agenda of FOX you realize how toxic, bias and disgusting they really are.

This leads me into my final point. I feel FOX is still around and getting viewers because of the lack of education to the general public. Of course more and more individuals are being exposed to FOX's true intentions every day, but many still remain unaware. To me it seems that FOX is taking advantage of the uneducated and uninformed general public. They've built this reputable reputation, generated trust from their viewers and now basically flipped the script and taken that trust and credible reputation and taken advantage of it. It's sad, they are using them, instead of doing what they are supposed to be doing which is provide fair, balanced and informed news.